Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, Feb 26th notes

5 people present

Check-in: People are good, bad, and somewhere in between.

We took a look at Intersexed & Trans Demands. We went over some of the terms used in the demands so we were all on the same page as far as definitions. We used Wikipedia to find terms such as genderfuck, boi, boydykes, etc...

We talked about current issues in our community effecting trans folks and what we can do about them.

We are going to read Gender Skirmishes on the Edges: Notes on gender identity, self-determination and anti-colonial struggle for next week.

People also talked about their fathers becoming cooler and more radical as they age.

Great web resource...

We should be sure to check out for resources. It is a wonder compendium of wimmin, queer, and trans writings from radical perspectives...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday, Feb 19th notes...

Today we talked about starting the DUDEBRO blog, as a way to communicate better with the community. Notes will be taken at the meeting, and then published immediately afterwards or the next day. The groups hopes to also write about some of the results of DUDEBRO, both our discussions and actions.

A few of the ideas we have had for the next few topics:
Homophobia and Patriarchy
Transphobia and Patriarchy
Revisiting Consent

We also talked about some of the things DUDEBRO should do. We talked about some of the recent confrontations with people at BLAST-O-MAT, and our role in helping make shows there a safe place. We also would like to have some discussions with the folks at BLAST-O-MAT about this as well. This also sparked a discussion on what should our presence be like when we are in public spaces, and how do we confront folks in an A-P way? We need to have further discussion on this.

Our blog, and our decision to split up...

Hey there Denver.
So, we here at the Monday and Tuesday DUDEBRO have decided to start a Dude-blog. I know, technology sucks an stuff, but we thought this might be an easy way for us to communicate to the larger community. We can make post of what we talked about each week, and hopefully elicit discussions. Maybe suggestions for resources will come through here at some point. Beyond that, it will serve as a repository of what we talk about, allowing for more institutional memory. Hopefully the blog will be updated the day after each meeting.

So, you may have noticed that I said Monday DUDEBRO. That is because DUDEBRO decided to split into two groups. One group was growing too big, and became too unwieldy and handsome. People who were more introverted ceased talking, and too often the group felt like just a few people having a conversation. Additionally, more people would be able to come if we had a second night. Finally we felt that more people having more discussions about Anti-patriarchy work and more resources getting read and shared will ultimately benefit both groups and our larger community.